Signs Your Engine Need An Engine Rebuild – Let’s Discuss!

Engine RebuildHas your engine been running miles for years? Those miles had already taken a toll on your engine. If you own a car or truck, an Engine rebuild is the best and safest alternative to getting a new engine installation  It’s best to hire reliable car mechanics from a highly-rated car service centre to do the engine rebuild as it’s a complicated one. It’s because experienced mechanics stand behind their work and ensure to do all to get your engine running at its optimal performance. An engine rebuild is close to making it new. It’s quite a long process where you need to bring the vehicle to the car service centre rather than hiring mobile mechanics.  In today’s blog let’s look at the signs that tell you to get an engine rebuild. 

Excessive Smoke

When there is thick and dark smoke comes out from the tailpipe, consider this as a sign to rebuild your engine. The black smoke can be due to a clogged engine air filter or too much gas in the exhaust pipe. The black smoke may even come out from the exhaust Repairs. So be sure to check if you have any exhaust repairs or blocks and resolve them at the earliest. 

High Oil Consumption

If the engine parts wear down, the space between the components increases. This gap causes the oil to escape when it’s burned down. This escaped oil is the reason your engine spits out dark black and bluish smoke, and you will have to replace your piston rings, valves, and bearings. 

Knocking Sound

Well, the knocking sound from the engine whenever you turn it on is a bad sign that alarms an engine rebuild. If the noise is slightly rattling or like a chattering sound, it could be a worn-out piston ring or crack in the valves. 

Other signs like loss of compression, excessive oil consumption, coolant leak, and blown head gasket are some of the causes that demand an engine overbuild. To ensure your engine is in good health, let our Mechanic Dandenong South work on it. For truck service and repairs, call us at 0434 416 207 today. Don’t wait until the heat becomes unbearable. Contact Buraq Automotive today at 0434 416 207 to schedule your mobile aircon regas and keep your car cool all summer long!

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